Creating Auto Career Pathways. Driving Futures.

Whether you're experienced or just starting out, now's your chance to explore exciting opportunities at new car and truck dealerships!

“I want to thank the CNCDA Foundation for your help to get me into a dealer. Currently, I work at Putnam Lexus which I got the opportunity from the CNCDA Foundation Scholarship. I am having a great time and everyday I’m learning something new. I want to thank you again for believing in me.”

—2023 Scholarship Winner Baddr S

See how Industry leaders are Partnering with the CNCDA Foundation to support CA Youth.

Explore key career stats in our CA Technician Report, or click the link below to see teacher resources, scholarships, and other opportunities in the automotive industry!

JOIN Us at our Automotive Technology Career Day EVENTs!

  • Location TBD


We are a 501(c)(3) non-profit dedicated to creating career pathways for highly skilled automotive service professionals throughout California, with a network of 1,300+ California dealerships. Support us.

California’s Auto Industry is a

Sector that is VITAL to our Economy.

$153 Billion

With over 27 million licensed drivers, personal vehicles are essential to California’s lifestyle. Despite California’s dependence on their personal vehicles, education reforms coupled with an aging workforce and social factors continue to cripple the auto industry's ability to slow the shortage of skilled technicians.

Thanks to our sponsors we are empowering the next generation of automotive service professionals